Lighter evenings often mean the start of the biking season for those of us who aren't year-round riders. As restrictions are gradually lifted, we can hopefully look forward to using our bikes more than we did last year.
Before taking to the road again, whether for commuting or leisure purposes, be sure that your bike is in good order and that you’re also prepared for the challenges ahead. Make sure that you’re feeling fit, well, and in the right frame of mind to take to the road, and remember, getting the bike ready means much more than removing the cover and dusting it off.
Take a close look at your kit as well as your bike to ensure everything is in full working order, paying particular attention to the condition of your tyres, brakes and lighting – it could save your life. Visit our PREPARE page for detail of carrying out the POWER checks and get into the habit of using it before every ride.

If it’s been a while, or you’d like a new challenge, consider booking onto one of the motorcycle COURSES available across Wales, many of which are free or subsidised thanks to road safety funding from the Welsh Government. They say we’re never too old to learn more and whatever our age or experience, an assessment or refresher can help us to stay focused on maintaining good skills and a safe attitude. Some courses are still taking place online, but where restrictions are eased, practical sessions will be restarted.
For the DRIVERS out there, please get ready to see more bikes, take longer to look for us especially when pulling out of junctions, changing lanes or opening doors – we might already be in the space you intend to move into and we may not be as visible as larger vehicles. Please always check your blind spot and look twice for bikes.