Road Safety Wales has kicked off the new year with a fresh delivery of motorcycle CRASH Cards, which are available free-of-charge to individual bikers, pillion passengers, and motorcycling club members in Wales.
Partnership Chair, Rhys John-Howes, explains the initiative: “At some point in your motorcycle riding life you may have an 'unscheduled dismount' or you may be with a rider who does. 'CRASH' is a set of easy to remember steps to keep you safe, as well as the unfortunate rider who has been involved in a collision.
“One side of the card has the mnemonic 'CRASH'. The person making the 999 call is the most important person at the scene, because the information they give determines the response of the emergency services.”
“The card follows a similar set of questions universally used by ambulance service control centres, and focuses on safety, the location of the collision, and how serious it is. The other side includes information used by the ambulance service and hospital, including space to list any medication to which they are allergic, current medical history and the details of any medication they currently take.”
Importantly, a CRASH Card has space to list the name and contact telephone number of a next of kin. Many phones require a pin code to access any information, which means that the 'ICE' number stored there cannot be retrieved. Put the card in the lining of your helmet because that’s where the emergency services will look for it.
Help alert emergency responders to your CRASH Card - place the supplied green dot on the right-hand corner of your visor/helmet, making sure it’s not in your field of view. And don’t worry, it’s safe to stick on any helmet.
Please remember that removing a helmet after a collision is a skill which takes two people and is practised by trained personnel - don’t attempt to remove another rider’s helmet on your own.
CRASH Cards are available from Road Safety Wales partner organisations or centrally by contacting