Stay Safe – Hydrate

Ok, so we might be a bit biased, but there’s nothing better than a ride on a beautifully sunny day! But how many of us realise the hazards of dehydration?

It’s something we can easily overlook, but not keeping hydrated can cause loss of concentration, headaches, muscle fatigue, drowsiness and nausea; all of which can contribute to a collision risk.

Here are a few tips:

  • It takes time for water to reach your muscles so regular sips in the hours leading up to your ride is far more beneficial than just drinking a bottle just before you leave – this could give you stomach cramps.
  • Don’t underestimate the heat affecting your PPE. Leathers offer great protection in a crash, but take plenty of breaks and top up your body’s water levels throughout your ride.
  • Never be tempted to ride without your jacket. Your exposed skin will feel cooler as sweat evaporates, but that will only add to your dehydration.
  • Alcohol is a diuretic (it makes us urinate more than normal). Obviously, drinking alcohol before or during a ride is unacceptable, but please also think about any alcohol you’ve consumed the day before! 
  • You might consider buying a hands-free water dispensing back-pack, but we don’t recommend sipping from a bottle or cup while on the move.
  • Take breaks regularly to rehydrate and remember that drinks high in caffeine also have a diuretic effect, so don’t overdo the triple shot expressos!
  • Water is the simplest way to hydrate. Too many sugary drinks could dehydrate you if sugar reaches high levels in your blood.
  • Without compromising safety, do all that you can to avoid becoming overheated and make sure you rest in shaded areas or cool cafés when you stop for a break.

Please remember this: in warm weather if you wait until you’re thirsty to take a drink of water, you’re already too late.


Thursday, 01 August 2024