Young Rider Focus Groups

The National Young Rider Forum (NYRF) is conducting research into the views and perceptions of young riders on safety and rider training, as well as what support they believe they need.

This month, the Forum plans to hold virtual focus groups with young riders, aged 16 to 24, who currently ride a motorcycle or scooter and live in the UK.

Motorcycle training centres, retailers, local authorities and organisations working with young riders are asked to spread the word and encourge young riders to participate in a one-hour virtual discussion (via Zoom) to gain an understanding of their experiences. 

The sessions will be interactive and fun, and undertaken in small groups. Interested riders can click on the list of dates and times of the Zoom sessions here.

Please spread the word and take part if you're aged 16-24. 

Find out more about the National Young Rider Forum here.

Monday, 09 November 2020